DESIGNATION: Professor,Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kanpur
PHONE: +91 (0) 512 259 7511
EMAIL: ngupta@iitk.ac.in
EDUCATION:Bachelor of Electrical Engg, 1991, Jadavpur University, Kolkata
Master of Science in Engineering, 1994, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
PhD, 1998, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
EXPERIENCE:1999-2000: Post doctoral researcher, University of Windsor, Canada.
2000-2002: Post doctoral researcher, Technical University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
2002-2009: Assistant Professor, Dept of Electrical Engng, IIT Kanpur
2009-2014: Associate Professor, Dept of Electrical Engng, IIT Kanpur.
2014-date: Professor, Dept of Electrical Engng, IIT Kanpur.
Summer 2007:Visiting Faculty, Department of Electrical engineering, University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
RESEARCH INTERESTS:Insulation in power apparatus and systems, nanodielectrics, field computation, gas discharges.